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Traditional Marketing

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Traditional marketing?
The Internet myth:
Tradition vs. the Internet:
Tracking systems:


Traditional Marketing

Search Engines e-mail marketing Link marketing Niche market
Exchange marketing Traditional marketing Previous Home

What is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing is any advertising approach, other than the Internet, used to attract and inform customers about your products or services.  Examples of traditional marketing techniques are:   print ads, word-of-mouth, radio and television advertising.  Our disability advocacy training program contains numerous traditional marketing techniques that can be used to attract customers to your service.  We mention this type of marketing in this Internet course in order to bring home an important point about traditional marketing.   Whether you use the Internet or not, traditional marketing techniques will be needed in order to grow your advocacy service.  In fact, despite what other so called Internet marketing experts say, traditional marketing is still the backbone of online marketing. 

The Internet Myth:

Don't fall for the Internet myth that would lead you to believe that if you're advertising on the Web, you don't need to use traditional marketing techniques.  Many of today's poorly informed Internet marketing experts are proclaiming the Web as the marketing source of the next millennium.   Well, maybe it is!  In any event, the Internet to date has not changed or reduced the need to create a traditional marketing campaign.   I think it is extremely dangerous for any business to use only Internet related marketing approaches.  If you have read the other segments of this course, you are probably aware that many Internet approaches can have significant down sides if used improperly.   Do not fall for the Internet marketing myth!  Use the strengths of both traditional and Internet marketing in your campaign, and you will enjoy the maximum benefits of both.

Tradition vs. the Internet:

To obtain a good balance between traditional and Internet marketing, use this rule of thumb.  Always begin your marketing plan by identifying and evaluating your local market.  Use the Internet as a research tool.  Then choose two or three of the best traditional marketing approaches for use within your community.  Note that not every traditional marketing technique will be right for your service.  To determine the best traditional approach for you, you must have already identified your personal goals, resources and comfort level.  These elements of marketing should be set forth in your marketing plan.   This kind of planning will help you to stay focused on the goals of your company and keep you from spending resources on approaches that are not yet appropriate for your service.

Tracking Systems:

One way that the Internet can really help you to choose good traditional marketing sources is through tracking.  On the Internet, it is possible to create a structure from your Website that allows you to know exactly where a customer found your advertising information.  For example, let's say that you advertise in a local Chiropractic magazine that is sent to patients with back disorders.  By placing a code within your Web address in the ad, your computer can track those visiting your site from this source.  This information is gathered and placed into a daily report.  From this tracking report, you can determine if the Chiropractic ad is in fact working to drive potential customers to your site.  Having this kind of feedback can save you thousands of dollars.  You will know what ads are working and which ads are not.  You can then adjust your spending by buying only those ad sources that really work. 

Tracking systems are complex and are priced from under one hundred dollars to many thousands.  Some tracking systems also requires advance programming skills to set up.  The advantage of an online tracking system is that it gives you the ability to automatically determine what ad sources are working.  That is, you will be able to determine exact what ads are attracting customers to your site.   This information makes it easier for you to control your marketing budget by wasting less money on useful advertising. 

There are many easy to use tracking systems that can be purchased online.  To review website tracking software, visit one of the search engines.  Google or Yahoo are both adequate.  Type "website tracking software" into the search box to begin your evaluation.


Module Seven 


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