e-mail Marketing Open e-mail account: Create an address: The Autoresponder: Finding an autoresponder: Autoresponder set-up: Autoresponder services: A marketing tool: e-mail info distribution: Unsolicited e-mail: Direct email marketing: Signature files: Sig. file development:
E-mail Marketing
e-mail or electronic mail is a functional Internet process that allows a user to transmit and receive messages over the Internet. Before I can explain how to use e-mail in the marketing process, I must first explain how to set-up a standard business e-mail account. You might be thinking that setting up an e-mail account is a simple matter of getting an online dial-up or Web hosting account. Well, you're half right! In reality, there is a lot more to e-mail marketing than just setting up an account. Therefore, to make sure that everyone is with me, I will start by touching upon a few e-mail basics. These basics must be in play before you can begin using e-mail as a marketing tool. To open an e-mail account you simply contact an Internet Service Provider. The Internet Service Provider or ISP will open your e-mail account as part of a dial-up or Web hosting account. Because you are going to be using your e-mail account for business purposes, make sure that you have your own domain name. Also make sure that you get a POP or POP3 e-mail account. See the "Getting Started" segment for more discussion on POP e-mail accounts. Having your own domain name is important because it allows for more e-mail flexibility. This flexibility is essential if you're going to use e-mail for marketing purposes. With your own domain name, you can take a single POP e-mail account and set-up as many separate e-mail accounts as you like. No additional charge! This is possible because when a message is being transmitted across the Internet, the text that appears to the left of the @ sign is pretty much irrelevant. For example, if you send a message to GSscott @ theboss.com, the message will actually be sent to theboss.com, which in this example is your domain name. The computer sending the message does not know or care that there is an account at theboss.com called GSscott . It simply transmits the message directly to the domain name location theboss.com. The computer receiving the message can then sort where or in what file the message should be stored. In summation, make sure that you have your own domain name registered prior to setting up your e-mail account. Creating an e-mail address is a simple matter of attaching a prefix in front of the @ sign followed by your domain name. The prefix can be a person's name or a department within your firm. Example, Webmaster @ theboss.com. The most effective e-mail addresses reflect a person (you), function (help) or department (Sales). An Autoresponder is an extremely useful marketing tool for a disability advocacy service. An autoresponder, also known as a mail responder, is an e-mail program that will automatically respond to a message sent by a potential customer to your computer's e-mail address. When a message arrives that is addressed to the e-mail account being monitored by the autoresponder program, the program immediately returns an e-mail message to the sender. There are two types of auto-responder. The one-to-one and the server auto-responder. The one-to-one auto-responder is connected to a specific e-mail address. If someone sends a message to that address, the auto-responder will automatically send a pre-arranged message back to the sender. This type of auto-responder is great for sending information that is constant, such as business addresses, brochures or thank you notes. The server autoresponder works a little differently. In this case, the server autoresponder program looks for content on the e-mail subject line or in the body of the message. For example, a person sends an e-mail requesting information about your advocacy service. The server auto-responder reads the trigger word "information" and automatically sends the person an e-mail copy of your brochure. Even though server auto-responders are really useful, most small businesses use the less complicated one-to-one auto-responder. Therefore, that is where we will focus our presentation. If you are using a Web-hosting service, you probably already have auto-responder available. We offer an auto-responder service option that you can control directly from your Disability Associates hosting account control panel. Many hosting companies provide them as part of your hosting service. If your hosting services does provide free auto-responders, ask about the features of the auto-responder. The most desirable features are: 1) The ability to define the From: e-mail address, name and subject. Most auto-responders can do this. Not all of these features will be available on all auto-responders provided by a hosting company. However, you'll do fine if the auto-responder provided by the host has at least the first two or three of the above features. If you want all of these features, you'll need to purchase an e-mail program like Eudora Pro or AK-mail. The most common way to set-up an auto-responder system is through your Web -hosting or dial-up service. With luck, your Web-hosting company has a nice, simple-to-use system that helps you to quickly configure an auto-responder. There are two auto-responder programs that are commonly used by many hosting services. These two programs might be a bit of a challenge. These e-mail programs are Procmail and Sendmail. These two programs are difficult to work with and are not well documented. If your host is using either of these two programs, ask if they provide set-up pages and support. A set-up page or file will provide a step-by-step process for adding the auto-responder to your site. If they do not provide a set-up page or direct support, you might want to consider using a commercial e-mail program like Eudora Pro. You can if you wish, set up auto-responders to be sent from your e-mail program. Let's say you are using Eudora Pro. This program allows you to filter incoming mail. You could set up the filter to look at the To: line of every incoming message. If for example, the filter saw the word "Information" on the To: line, it could send out an e-mail message taken from a file called "info.txt". The info.txt file might contain a copy of your brochure. If it saw the word "Fax", it could send out an e-mail message taken from a file called "fax.txt". The fax file would contain your company's contact information including a fax phone number. You can also set up filters that look at the Subject: line. People wanting information could send all messages to info @ your domain name.com, then put what info they want in the subject line. If the filter sees a subject that it recognizes, it will automatically send the appropriate subject file back to the requesting customer. The way to know what information files to create is simple. Note what questions or request are commonly made by customers and create an auto-responder file to address those issues. Common information request include things like general information about products or services, addresses, phone numbers and pricing. Another way to set up auto-responders is to use an auto-responder service. As with everything else on the Internet, there are both free and paid services available. Some of these services offer advanced auto-responder features that can be used to construct powerful interactive response systems from your business Website. One of the advanced features I like is called a "sequential" auto-responder. This feature actually engages the e-mail sender in a sort of "conversation" in which an interested sender can request and receive more information in a series of steps. Each time a customer gets and responds, he is invited to make another request that may probe deeper into the requested subject. As a disability advocate, such an automatic and interactive system could be used to provide both potential clients and referral sources with valuable information about your service. What's even nicer about such a system is that once it is constructed, it runs without further input from you. You could be working a full-time job while providing real-time customer service and support to your customers and referral base. Autoresponder services will range in cost from fifty to one-hundred and fifty dollars per year depending upon what services are utilized. Free services do exist, but may not offer the same degree of service or support. Here are few auto-responder services to consider: Auto-responder.com, DataBack.com and Infoback.net. These companies do come and go, so check them out before setting up an account. You want a company that has a service history and appears capable of being around for a while. An auto-responder is much more than a method of responding to an information request. It is a powerful marketing tool that allows you to automatically interact with your customer base. With a little time and imagination, you can construct an auto-response system that could rival a fortune five-hundred company. This incredible marketing tool allows you to contact, respond and service customers without the need for human interaction. Auto-responders are the perfect marketing tool for any service that wishes to deliver a strong personal and interact feel to their business Website.
Another method of using e-mail in online marketing is as an information distribution tool. There's more to e-mail marketing than just setting up auto-responders. You can also use e-mail to distribute your copy protected materials online. Copy protected materials include things like newsletters, monthly reports, service announcements or instructions to referral sources. These protected pieces of information can be sent to those on your e-mail customer mailing list or those that are paid members of your online service. That's right, paid members of your service! It is possible to construct a paid online service that provides information about SSA disability representation to your community. This approach is most effective when the information provided is geared toward your community. To structure such a system, all you need do is write short and informative articles. Be sure to copyright your work. These articles can cover just about anything having to do with the Social Security disability program. So, as your knowledge of this field grows, you can share that knowledge to your community for a profit. You can earn additional income from an online information service by offering annual subscriptions. Keep the costs low, around $39 to $69.00 per year. Produce articles on a weekly or monthly basis depending upon your time constraints and writing comfort level. Customers should learn about and sign up for the service by visiting your Website. You might place information about this service under a "Services: button on your home page. An information service of this type actually serves to position your company as an expert source of information in your community. This type of online positioning of your advocacy service attracts more and more visitors looking to learn more about the Social Security program itself. This provides you with the opportunity to sell a product to a customer who you are not actually representing. A service of this type is not controlled or limited by SSA regulations. If you start an online information service such as a Newsletter, make sure you market it both on and off line. The best markets for these information products are usually local attorneys, doctors, allied health professionals and others who come in contact with those suffering from serious medical conditions. I'm sure you have heard of unsolicited e-mail, also known as Spam. There are many theories out there about whether or not unsolicited e-mail should be used at all in an online marketing campaign. I'm here to tell you that it should be used. I'm not saying that you should carry out Spam marketing campaigns. If you do this, you run the risk of irritating the recipients which could lead to a complaint to your service provider. You want to avoid that at all costs. There is a proper and acceptable procedure for using unsolicited e-mail in your online marketing process. I believe you can earn the right to mail messages to a list of people in three basic ways. 1) Formulation of customer e-mail lists through inquiry contacts. When a person e-mails your site either directly or via your autoresponder system, that person has in effect given you permission to respond. There is no law that says that you cannot respond over and over again covering subjects not related to the original contact. Therefore, once a person has e-mailed you, you can add that person to your business e-mail list without fear of being accused of spamming. The one exception to this is if the client at some point requests that you no longer contact him. If this occurs, simply remove him from your list. If a person contacts your business by any other form other than the Internet, you have the option of requesting an e-mail address from that potential customer. If the e-mail address is given, the customer has effectively given you permission to send him advertising and other information via the Web. If a person becomes a customer of your service, he is also giving you permission to provide additional information beyond the service provided. When you purchase a commercial e-mail list, you are in effect purchasing a list of names of people who have requested that their e-mail address be given to information providers. Yes, I know that they didn't give their permission for your site specifically, but this doesn't matter. Allowing your e-mail to become part of a list allows the list service to sell it to anyone. Therefore, the fact that the customer's e-mail address appears on the purchased list implies that his permission to contact has been given. There is one important rule when using a purchased e-mail list. Make sure that in your message, you provide an easy way for the customer to request removal of his e-mail from your purchased list. If you take this simple precaution, you can usually e-mail everyone on the list without fear of negative consequences. You can find companies providing e-mail lists by going to Yahoo.com. In the search box, type in e-mail lists companies and start your research. Be sure to limit your lists to addresses in your community. This is not to say that you can't use national list. I just feel it is smarter and cheaper to solicit customers in your own community before trying a national campaign. Be sure to use targeted e-mail lists. That is, list that contain contacts that meet the basic criteria for your niche or targeted market.
In order to become a successful online marketer, you must consider every communication you have with the outside world as a potential promotional opportunity. This can be accomplished by using signature files. A signature file is an additional or attached promotional message on a standard e-mail message. For example, let's say that you have several autoresponder messages that you automatically send out to requesting customers. A customer requests your fax number and the autoresponder sends a response e-mail providing this information. At the bottom or attached to that message, you should also have a short but effective signature file. This file or message, acts to provide additional information about your products and services that was not directly requested by the customer. This additional information should be promotional in nature and presented in such a manner as to be useful to the customer. You could consider a signature file as a free and additional opportunity to sell your advocacy service to those interacting with your Website. A good signature file is brief and to the point. It should contain a short description or explanation of what you do and how you do can benefit your customers. The signature file should be motivational in tone and directly ask the customer to take an additional contact or purchasing action. Here is a list of rules that will help you to create a strong signature file: 1) Consider and list how your products or services benefit your potential customers. 4) Make sure that your signature file contains a compelling headline. 5) Support your signature file headline with a short list of benefits to the customer. 6) Make an urgent offer and make it tempting. Example: Contact us today and we will determine your chances of receiving SSA disability benefits at no charge. 7) Develop and test several signature files and distribute them among appropriate e-mail messages. 8) Make sure that all e-mail messages sent from your company, no matter what the subject, contains a short signature file promotion. Copyright © 2014. Disability Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |