


                      Website Content

Web Content 

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Content Marketing:
Presenting content:
Finding content:

Search Engines e-mail marketing Link Marketing Niche Market
Exchange Marketing Traditional Marketing Previous

Content Marketing:

Most Internet marketers totally ignore the importance of content as a marketing tool.  Most of these marketers place their promotional emphasis on Web graphics or fancy Internet tricks.   Forget these typical marketing approaches and face the Internet bottom line.   The Internet bottom line is that people visit Websites to acquire free information.  It is content and only content that attracts visitors to a Website!  

Content was the reason the Internet was invented and content remains the primary reason why people continue to use it.  Not only does content attract visitors, it keeps them coming back.  People visit Websites because they want information.  They don't visit Websites to see fancy graphics or to be sold something.  I'm not saying that you should refrain from offering your services for sale online.  What I am saying is that your site, first and foremost, must be a place where a potential disability applicant can go to find information on the subject of  Social Security representation.  Focus on the informational needs of your customers and they will become regular visitors to your site.  The more visitors you get, the higher your site will appear in the search engines.  Keep this simple content rule in mind when building your Website and it will perform much better than those that ignore this fundamental principle.

Presenting content:

The primary purpose of your site must be to provide information about Social Security disability.  The secondary reason is to sell your products and services.  Placing your sales goals second is really just an elusion.  Sales are in fact your primary goal, presented in such a way as to appear secondary.  This approach reduces the sales pressure placed on potential customers, making your site more inviting and less threatening.

How content is presented on your site can go a long way in making sales easier.  The secret is to present your content information in such a manner that results in a type of psychological reassurance for the reader.  For example, let's say that you provide an article on your site about the five most common mistakes made by a disability applicant.  This is information that a potential SSA applicant would want to read prior to applying for benefits. 

The tone of the article should be both informative and reassuring.  This is accomplished by adding simple solutions within the body of information you provide.  If you tell a potential client that applying for disability benefits is loaded with red tape, you must also provide a solution that would help the applicant avoid these potential problems.  Of course, the best way to avoid problems with SSA will always be to use your services.  This marketing approach is subtle, but it works much better than the typical online hard sell.   With this content technique, you are effectively educating your customers into using your service.

Finding Content:

Finding content can be a concern for new disability advocates.  To address this concern, we are going to let you in on one of our oldest secrets.  The secret is, all the content you'll every need is already available!  There are three ways to get content for your site:

1)  Create custom presentations and publish them on your site
2)  Use materials from our sites with permission
3)  Use materials provided by SSA

Creating your own custom articles is a really neat thing to do.  It allows you to place information on your site that is not available anywhere else.  This is always attractive to visitors and gives your site more credibility.  If you decide to write your own articles, use SSA's information as a guide.  For example, if you write an article about the application process, use an SSA source so that you get the basic information correct.

You can also use information provided on our site.  If you are a purchaser of our e-com course, you can copy and place one of our articles on your site.  That article is our most popular and is called "Application Assassination." 

The third and easiest way to acquire content for your site is by using the Social Security handbook.  The Social Security handbook or bulletin can be purchased for about thirty dollars from Amazon.com.  This text is published on an annual basis and contains general information about both SSA retirement and disability.   You can use this book to get your facts and percentages when creating your own articles.  The reason you can use this material is because its contents are in the public domain.  Any government materials in the public domain can be used on your site without permission.  The SSA handbook is also useful for creating your own FAQ section.  You can answer most applicant questions by taking them directly from the Social Security handbook and adding them to your FAQ page.


You have completed the "Content" segment of this course.  For best results, we suggest that you now begin the "Promotion" segment. 

Module Seven


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