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  • What if the client is working at the time of application?

  • What's an employer special circumstance?

  • The client has an assessment score of 70%. What do I do next?

  • What's an information packet?

  • What does an Information Packet contain?

  • What does an Information Packet contain on appeal?

  • How do I waive the ALJ hearing?

  • What if the client is working at the time of application?

    If a claimant is working prior to application, this must be investigated. You must determine if the client is working full or part-time. Is the client earning at the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) level?  Have there been any special considerations made by the employer that enables the client to continue working? If there are special circumstances, Social security may accept the application even though the client remains employed. If there are no special circumstances, the claimant may not be allowed to apply.

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  • What's an employer special circumstance?

    If an employer makes significant adjustments in the working environment to enable a person to function, this is a special circumstance. Example: An employer has made special modifications to a piece of equipment to allow its operation by an employee with an inability to use his hands. Although the client can perform this job given the special circumstances, Social Security cannot deny this person back to that job or jobs like it because the special circumstance may not exist in another working environment.

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  • The client has an assessment score of 70%. What do I do next?

    Once you have interviewed the client and determined his assessment score, you make the decision to accept or reject the case. If you accept the case, you should send the client an information packet for signature and form completion. When the client returns these materials to you, you're ready to begin the representational process.

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  • What's an information packet?

    An information packet is a mailer containing materials that are required for the Social Security disability application process. The forms placed in the packet are determined by the application level.

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  • What does an Information Packet contain?

    You may place anything you like in an information packet.  However, the following materials should always be included in the information packet at the initial level:

    1. A cover letter explaining your service and the disability process.

    2. Instruction sheet.

    3. Your fee contract for signature.

    4. A fee petition form 1560 for signature.

    5. A release of information form 827 for signature.

    6. Social Security Form 1696.

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  • What does an Information Packet contain on appeal?

    You may place anything you like in an information packet.  However, regardless of the application level, you should include those items listed above.  On appeal, you'll also need to add::

    1.  SSA Form 3441.

    2.  SSA Form 561 Request for Reconsideration.

    3.  SSA Form 501 Request for ALJ Hearing.

    4.  Social Security Form 4486

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  • How do I waive the ALJ hearing?

    You have the option of waiving a hearing by submitting Social Security Form 4608.  If you do this, the ALJ still has the option of calling the advocate to the hearing or sending the case back to the DDS or DP for further development if additional evidence is needed.  If you request a waiver, the ALJ will usually review the evidence available on-the-record and make a decision based on that evidence.

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