Operations List of Categories
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- What's a case assessment?
- Am I required to do a case assessment?
- When should an assessment be performed?
- When would I not do an assessment?
- Do I need to request the client's medical evidence to do an assessment?
- May I request a fee to do an assessment?
- Is there a minimum assessment score?
- What's the minimum assessment score
to accept a case?
- What's a case assessment?
A case assessment is a cursory evaluation of a claimant's allegation of disability. It is used to determine the percent viability score of a case. A case assessment enables an advocate to
determine if the case is worth accepting.
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- Am I required to do a case assessment?
No, you are required to do a case assessment. However, it would foolish to say the least, for an advocate to accept a case without doing an assessment. An assessment serves both the client and the claimant because it provides both with an idea of what the client's chances are of receiving Social
Security disability benefits.
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- When should an assessment
be performed?
A case assessment should be performed on every single client that comes to you for help. The assessment the absolute best way to determine the viability of a case.
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- When would I not do an assessment?
You should not perform an assessment if:
1. The client has no serious allegation.
2. The client has no medical sources in an SSDI claim.
3. The claimant has no permanent address.
4. You have an uncomfortable feeling about the client and his trustworthiness.
5. The claimant has already been denied based on no severe impairment or the claimant does not meet
Security's income and resource criteria for application.
6. The client already has a representative.
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- Do I need to request the client's medical evidence to do an assessment?
Not if you have our Case Assessment Navigator software! However, if the client has medical evidence that can be shared with you, then by all means review the evidence. The evidence may provide a more detailed insight into how severe the client's condition really is. The evidence may also provide information how the claimant's condition effects his ability to work.
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- May I request a fee to do an assessment?
Yes, you can. However, if you charge clients to do an assessment, you would be defeating our entire marketing approach. Client's contact advocates because they want to know their chances of receiving Social Security disability benefits. This knowledge is valuable to clients and they will go out of their way to get it.
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- Is there a minimum assessment score?
Yes there is! The minimum assessment score is set by the advocate. The score used is a reflection of the experience level of the advocate. Experienced advocates can win cases that a less experienced advocate would not.
Disability Associates will not
accept a case with an assessment score below 55%.
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- What's the minimum assessment
score to accept a
We recommend that new advocates stick with assessment scores of 70% or better in the first year. With a little experience, you'll be better prepared to handle lower scoring cases.
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