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  • When is the best time to start an advocacy service?

    An advocacy service can be successfully started at anytime during the year.  However, the majority of disability applications are made from January through November.  There is usually an application spike during the summer months from May through September.

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  • When is the worst time to start an advocacy service?

    Starting an advocacy service just before the Thanksgiving holidays through News Years can be a bit of a  challenge.  It's during this timeframe that most Americans are distracted by the demands of these holidays.  If you start your service during this time period, you will notice less of a demand for your service. This does not mean that you should never start your service during this time period.  If you are new to disability advocacy, a slow activity period can actually help your service.  The slower period allows you more time to adjust to the marketplace and to the subtle demands of this service.

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  • When is the worst time to advertise a new advocacy service?

    We strongly advise that you do not start an all out advertising campaign from Thanksgiving through News Years.  Not only are most Americans busy with other concerns, this is also the time that most advertisers increase the price of their advertising.  Wait until just after the News Years holiday before starting any serious advertising campaigns. 

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