Sample Reconsideration Rebuttal Letter

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This sample letter is from Case Study One


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Dear Sir,

This correspondence is on behalf of claimant John Shane   SSN: 507-68-0000, who has asked for reconsideration of a prior denial based on continuing problems with osteopenia and hypertension. Mr. Shane also suffers from an inability to stand, walk or sit for extended periods of time as a result of his impairments. Mr. Shane's disability began in January of 1987 and continues to date. Mr. Shane has asked that I.  should act as his authorized representative in this case.

Review of the initial decision indicates that SSA believes that Mr. Shane is capable of performing light work and is therefore capable of returning to his past work as an accountant or social worker. My initial interview with Mr. Shane and review of the medical and vocational issues of this case. shows that Mr. Shane continues to suffer from osteopenia with resultant multiple fractures of the spine. It is my belief that Mr. Shane is unable to perform this or any other type of work due to severe pain and severity of his condition.

Please reconsider your initial decision in this case and award disability benefits to Mr. Shane as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely Yours,

Authorized Representative



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