Client Information Letters


The language offered in these sample letters can be used in several different circumstances.  Some of the language is best used within your fee contract.  Other language is appropriate for introductions or to request information from the client.  Use your best judgment as you would when preparing any document.

Your Letterhead


Your Full Name
Office Address City.
State. Zip

Dear Customer:

Thank you for your interest in our unique consulting service. This letter and our accompanying brochure will explain how our service works and offer a few easy instructions into how you can begin using our services immediately. As you may already know, our primary business is helping people enhance their chances of winning their Social Security disability benefits.

Most people do not realize that Social Security disability is not a welfare program. If you have ever worked at a job. you have paid into this system. Since you have paid into the disability insurance program. you deserve the best possible chance to receive benefits if you are totally disabled.

You may have already discovered that just applying for disability benefits is not enough. The Social Security disability system is complex with many ways of being denied. If you truly believe that you are disabled. you must be willing to fight for your benefits.  And, that's what our service is all about.

(You can add additional benefits of your service here if you wish).

(Give the client a little about fees.)  Like, (No fee unless you get benefits).

(Give info about the development fee):  Like, this small upfront fee will be used to acquire copies of your medical evidence and for other required activities within the disability process. This fee is placed into an escrow account and will only be used in the development of your case. .

If you take an upfront fee as in the Advance fee approach:

(Social Security rules prohibit us from spending the Advance fee until the case is finished and the amount of the fee has been justified by SSA). We strongly agree with this rule because it protects both you and your clients from fraud. 

(Withdrawal language):  This issue should be addressed in your fee agreement. 

If at any time during your case you wish to withdraw, you will be charged a fee for services rendered and the remainder of your fee will be returned to you. 

(As part of the serve language)  As part of our service, we will guide your case through each of the appeals processes.

Using our knowledge of the disability program, we'll act whenever possible to speed up your case so that you receive your decision faster.

We'll carefully review the evidence in your case and formulate a written argument on your behalf.

(Guarantee language)

It is important that you understand that we cannot guarantee that your case will be won as a result of our actions. However, if your case is denied on the ( whatever lever) level while being handled by us, we'll automatically re-apply on your behalf.  You will not have to do anything except sign forms and attend an examination if ordered to do so by SSA.

(Reassurance language):

We'll act as your personal advisors during the case and protect your interest and well being.

Thank you for choosing our company.

Sincerely yours,

Your Name

Sample Instruction Letter


Your Name Business
Address City , State Zip

Dear Client:

Thank you for choosing our service.  Please note that your packet contains a number of forms.  In order for us to begin the representational process on your behalf, you must do the following:

1. Sign the 1696 Authorization to Represent Form, here:  Use a removable arrow tab or a red X to indicate where to sign.
2. Sign our Fee Agreement (fee Contract), here:
3. Complete the general information form.
4. Include a check in the amount of (example $100.00). This fee is required and will
be used in the development of your case. Example, acquisition of medical evidence,
5. Send us a copy of all available medical evidence you have describing your condition since the day you stopped working as a result of the impairment.
6. Return these materials to:

General Information Form

A general information form should request the following information about the client:

1.  Full name including middle initial.
2.  Mailing address.
3.  Phone numbers.
4.  e-mail address.
5.  Name of spouse or guardian
6.  Social Security Number
7.  When impairment begin
8.  When client stopped working
9.  Primary and secondary impairments
10.  Has client previously applied, when, outcome, SSA's reason for outcome.  Example, "could do past work".
11.  If client has previously applied, request a copy of the decision letter and any other correspondence sent to client by SSA.
12.  Optional:  If the client has never applied before, you can save time by including a copy of SSA's client application form 3368 and the client work history form 3369.  Please note that these form numbers do change.  Request these forms by purpose rather than by number.

Request for ALJ Review


Your Name Business
Address City , State Zip

Dear Client:

We have requested that your case be reviewed by the administrative Law Judge because of our disagreement with SSA's reconsideration decision in your disability case. We have reviewed the medical evidence in your case and have prepared a formal argument which is being sent to Social Security at this time.

Please find a copy of your formal case evaluation along with this letter. Please keep this copy of the formal evaluation for your records. If you have any questions concerning our actions, please feel free to contact us.


Authorized Representative

Sample SSA Contact Letter


Dear Sir,

My name is ____________________.  I am representing claimant ________________, SSN ________________ in his/her bid for Social Security disability benefits.  Please find a signed copy of the Authorization to Represent form and the following additional materials relevant to this application.  This is an initial application. Reconsideration or Adjudicative Law Judge appeal of a previous denial decision dated (  ) and received by the claimant on (date).  This claimant is current applying for (SSI) or (SSDI) benefits

The claimant is a (age) year old individual who alleges disability due to (primary) and (secondary) diagnosis.  Brief describe the claimant's allegations. 

The claimant has seen by the following medical sources on these dates:  List sources and dates.  If this is a recon or ALJ appeal case, list only new medical sources or missed medical sources not considered in the previous decision.  . 

The claimant alleges that he/she is unable to perform work as of (date).  I am asking that you consider this claimant's allegations and make a decision in his or her favor as soon as possible.  As the authorized representative for this client, I am also asking that a copy of any and all  correspondence sent to the claimant, also be sent to my address at:

Make any special request here and or provide any special instructions.

If there are any questions concerning this application or you need assistance in acquiring documentation in this case, please feel free to contact me at:

I will make every effort to assist you in making a just and speedy decision in this case.  Please, do not hesitate to request my assistance if required.  Thank you for your cooperation.



Authorized Representative 



Copyright © 2011.  Disability Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved.