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Advocate Marketing Manual


The Advocate Marketing Manual

Marketing Manual

Chapter One:  The Will to Win!

This marketing segment is important because its primary focus and concern is you. The importance of the message within this chapter cannot be overemphasized. What is the message? It is that the success of your disability consulting service is directly related to your attitude and emotional state of mind.

If you are mentally prepared to face and overcome the obstacles to success, almost without exception you will succeed. All of the marketing techniques in the world mean nothing if you do not possess a controlled state of mind and the absolute will to win!

Developing a winning mental attitude can be the most difficult aspect of achieving real success. We know in our hearts that things must change in our lives in order to bring about a greater level of personal satisfaction. We also know that money is a key element in that change and that business is the most effective means of increasing personal wealth. However, awareness alone just doesn't seem to be enough to ignite us into action.

Most of us excuse our own lack of meaningful action with spineless rationalizations created by our subconscious fear of change.

"I'll start next year"
"Better wait till I pay off the lawnmower"
"But, business can be such a hassle"
"I might fail and look ridiculous"

It is these types of rationalizations traveling throughout our subconscious mind that keep the overwhelming majority of people from ever attempting anything of real substance. How then do we convert our natural fears of the unknown into actions that will lead us to our ultimate goal of success?

Hard knocks experience in business has opened my eyes to the three critical elements of success. These elements are:

Defining of Goals
A Plan of Action

Let's take a look at each of these three elements and discuss how they can help you achieve real and lasting success.

Defining a goal:

Imagine for a moment that you have just purchased an expensive rifle. You take your new rifle to an indoor shooting gallery to test her out. You have also purchased all of the extras because you want to look professional. You have a new shooting vest, a scope and plenty of expensive ammunition. You're all set!

You pay your gallery fees, load your rifle, bring it to your shoulder, then boom! The lights go out. You find yourself standing in total darkness, you can't see a thing. You patiently wait for the lights to come back on, but nothing happens. As you stand there you begin to think, "Hey, I paid for this, I'm going to shoot despite the darkness!" You begin firing away in what you believe is the direction of your target. A few minutes later the lights come back on. You're curious to see if you have hit the target so you haul it in to check. To your disappointment, after wasting several expensive rounds of ammunition, you didn't hit the target once. In fact, you didn't even come close!

If you were to enter into a business venture without a clear mental vision of what your goals are, you would experience the same result as our target shooter above. You will completely fail to hit your targeted goals.

Setting business goals are critical to the success of any business enterprise. Notice that I use (goals) in its plural form. Many people are confused about the use of the term goals and think of it as a singular target or element. However, most successful people recognize that there are at least two types of goals. The ultimate goal and the milestone goal.

Let's pretend for a moment that the statement shown below is your ultimate goal for entering into a business venture.

"My goal is to become a millionaire"

This ultimate goal represents an end result that must be achieved through a series of smaller goals. It is the completion of the smaller goals that will ultimately bring you to the realization of your primary goal of becoming a millionaire.

The point I am attempting to make here is simple. If you want to achieve an ultimate goal of great magnitude, you must first define a series of smaller achievable goals that will move you in the direction of your ultimate goal.

The smaller more achievable goal is referred to as a milestone goal. These milestone goals, no matter how modest, are the key to your success. Each completed milestone goal takes you one step closer to your ultimate goal and will also provide the psychological lift you need to keep pushing forward.

Milestone goals should be tied directly into your business plan so that every action you take brings you one step closer to your ultimate goal. How this is done will be discussed later in this chapter. For now, I would like you to decide exactly what your goals are for entering into the field of disability consulting. Is it to earn extra income, to help other people, to achieve financial independence, etc. Write down your ultimate goal and keep it as a reminder as you develop your strategies for success.

Plan of action:

Planning is defined as a series of specific actions set into events that will lead to a predetermined result.

Again, let's use the ultimate goal of becoming a millionaire as the end result of our planning strategy. We know that we want to become a millionaire, but we must figure out exactly how we will achieve this result using those resources at our disposal.

Building a business is like building a house. You need a plan, materials and the energy to put it all together. However, nothing can occur without a plan!

The following is a basic plan of action for setting up a disability consulting service. We will begin our plan by identifying required materials as outlined in the business guide segment of this program.

Materials needed:

1.   Disability Consultant Training program
2.   A Marketing plan of action.
3.   Medical dictionary
4.   DOT (Optional).
5.   Computer (optional)
6.   Typewriter or word processor
7.   Telephone
8.   Letterhead
9.   Business cards
10. Brochures

From the above list of materials it is possible for you to determine some of the basic costs of setting up your operation. This is called an operational budget. The act of creating this list is also an example of a completed milestone goal. Once you have budgeted and acquired the listed materials above, you have completed an important milestone goal. In this case a simple operational budget. The above list will also act as a cost analysis guide to help you determine that all important break even analysis.

Each of the activities above, when completed, would represent an achieved milestone goal bringing you one step closer to your ultimate goal. This is an example of how setting small milestone goals can lead you to eventual success.

Now that you have acquired your materials and estimated the cost of operations, you are now ready to determine the cost of acquiring customers. This action is referred to as marketing and requires planning if you expect to succeed.

The cost of marketing can and must be controlled. Start with a plan that is within your current budget. Once you have decided which marketing approaches you will use, estimate the cost and set aside that amount for your advertising budget.

This text will describe a number of marketing techniques that range from free exposure to relatively expensive television advertising. If you desire, you may start with more aggressive techniques such as radio or television advertising depending upon your budget. Regardless of your approach, use your marketing techniques in a building block fashion. Start slow and build upon your successes by adding additional techniques as your budget will allow.

Creating a materials list, acquiring those materials, learning your craft and deciding upon a marketing approach are all examples of milestone goals. No matter how small the accomplished event, if it leads you in the direction of starting and operating your business, it is a successfully completed milestone goal.

Think of a business or marketing plan as a mathematical equation. P = Plan, W = Work and T = Time. In order for your plan to succeed, you must perform work over a period of time. There are no short cuts or exceptions to this rule. Incidentally, this formula is also the mathematical equation for power!

P = W

So far we have discussed two of the three essential components that lead to success. We have defined our ultimate goal as becoming a millionaire. We have begun movement leading to the realization of our ultimate goal by developing a plan of action. In developing and acting upon our plan, we have taken a series of small but important milestone steps leading us to the eventual realization of our ultimate goal.

There is only one other significant hurdle that can prevent you from reaching your ultimate goal and that hurdle is you. You must learn to control your patterns of thought and behavior if you are going to succeed in the competitive world of business. This requires an essential element called self control.

Self control:

"Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

We as human beings are very often our own worst enemies. You've heard this statement a thousand times and believe me it's true. We as individuals are constantly acting to restrict and restrain our own creative potential via our poorly controlled fear of the unknown.

America is full of intelligent, ambitious and capable people who are going nowhere. These individuals may be highly educated with good basic skills, but for some reason they just can't seem to get it together when it comes to success. Those of us with the above characteristics are usually suffering from a phenomenon known as the self-control syndrome.

Self-control is defined as the governing of ones own emotional states and behaviors in order to achieve a desired goal. Most people fail to achieve success because they simply do not understand the negative influences working within their own subconscious mind. The first sign of poor emotional control is the need to identify reasons why something won't work. Waste not a moment of your time evaluating why something won't work. Instead use that energy and creativity to determine how to make it work using the resources at your disposal.

There are many reasons why people suffer from a lack of emotional and behavioral self-control. Most of us learned our negative patterns of thought during our childhood and carry those patterns deep within our subconscious mind throughout our lives.

Many individuals have experienced business, career or personal failures that have reinforced either a negative self perception or has created a basic fear of trying. These often painful experiences can produce crippling self doubt that can create a psychological reluctance to try. Whatever the cause of a negative self-image, the results are the same, a lack of meaningful pursuit of one's goals. Most of us don't recognize that these patterns of failure exist, but we do recognize that something must change within us if we are going to succeed.

Learn to recognize that fear is a mortal enemy of success. Fear may manifest itself in a multitude of ways, some of which are not easily recognizable:

Fear of failure
Fear of success
Fear of the unknown
Fear of change

Fear can only be controlled if it is recognized and acted upon immediately. No matter what causes your fears, there are several ways in which the pattern of reluctance caused by fear can be overcome.

1.  Recognize that feeling fear related to change in your life is normal. Don't waste time trying to stop the feeling of fear itself. Concentrate on not allowing fear to stop you from taking planned actions which will lead to your success.

2.  Do your homework. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, there is no substitute for planning. It is your responsibility to understand both your business and your market. Don't depend on others to do this for you. You are responsible for your own success or failure!

3.  Take pleasure from each milestone goal that you complete. Learn that in each small step comes the knowledge that the next step is indeed possible. Give yourself a small treat or pat on the back each time you achieve a milestone goal. It is a sad fact that in business, the only one who will really care about your personal achievements will be you. So, don't hesitate to reward yourself if something is done right.

4.  Think for yourself! Even those who love you most may sometimes be your greatest source of discouragement. Ask for opinions, but make the final decisions yourself.

5.  Allow yourself to be creative. Do not hesitate to take an idea or method and alter it to fit your needs and desires. This creative process will allow you to defeat any problem you may face along the road to success.

6.  Expect to face problems. Do not spend time fearing the possibility that a problem might occur because no matter what you do, problems will arise. Solve the problems as they occur, then move on.

7.  Focus! You must focus your energy and attention on both your ultimate goal and on each milestone task as you build your company. Do not allow a day to go by without performing at least one small task having to do with reaching your business objectives.

8. Be patient! Without patience you simply will not be able to face the emotional frustrations that are inevitable when building a successful business.

9.  Don't trust or depend on the Government! You will discover that SSA is not interested in making your service a success. Don't hesitate to question any actions or limitations placed on you or your client that appear to be unfair. Use an attorney if necessary to limit SSA's interference in your business. Believe me, as the Government finds itself more and more in debt, it will have little incentive to help others.


A)  Define your ultimate goal! Then select milestone goals that will lead you to the realization of your ultimate goal.

B)  Select a plan of action! Use the concept of milestone goals to complete small tasks that lead to success. Good planning is a product of research and knowledge, both of which are your responsibility.

C) Control your emotions! Think positive. Do not allow your own insecurities, a bad experience or a negative self image to distract you from pursuing and realizing your dreams.


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