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CPT Tapes


    Customer Presentation Tapes


The Customer Presentation Ad production program is a professionally engineered audio presentation that was produced and developed by Disability Associates.  It's used as a marketing tool for attracting customers to your advocacy service.  This powerful collection of presentations is provided in digital format that will enable you to use any part of the presentation in your advertising campaigns. 

As a student of our program, you're licensed to use these recording materials per our instructions.  These recordings are copyright protected and are not to be shared with unauthorized users.  To do so will result in the immediate suspension of all student and software licenses without consideration of refund.

Using this tool properly can increase your client caseload by up to 10% or more.  Providing the public with a high quality verbal presentation has been shown to be effective at increasing customer participation. Our high quality CPT audio presentation was recorded using live professional talent. The presentation is approximately five minutes in length and contains basic information designed to convince a potential customer that he/she needs a disability advocates. This presentation should be incorporated into your marketing campaigns to attract more customers to your service.

A verbal presentation is important in helping the customer to understand the benefits of your service.  We have tested the effects of this presentation on a large number of our clients and have found it to be a very effective marketing tool.  The tape is easy for customers to understand and most find it completely non-threatening.  The CPT audio presentation also informs and enlightens the customer about the unpleasant pitfalls he may face in trying to acquire Social Security disability benefits on his own.

It is also extremely important that the customer understand how your advocacy service works.  The recording can be used to project the character of your service as well as its relative cost.  If the benefits of your service are made clear to the customer in the simplest language possible, the customer will come aboard. 

Remember from your basic training that the key to success in this field lies in your ability to educate your potential clients about the benefits of your service.  If the customer clearly sees how your service will benefit him in an affordable fashion, your service will be utilized.

How to use the CPT Tape:

First, listen to the tape and be prepared to follow up with a presentation of your own that points out the benefits of your service. After hearing this tape, most potential customers will have additional questions. Consider this your best opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the SSA disability process and your personal concern for the customer’s condition.  If the customer is convinced that you are trustworthy, knowledgeable and capable of serving his/her needs, the client will be interested in using your service. 

Attorney Comparison:

Many disability applicants mistakenly believe that they must hire an attorney in order to be represented before Social Security.  This may tempt some customers to make a comparison between an attorney and a non-attorney representative.  If a client tries to compare your service with that of an attorney, it is important that you explain the difference. 

Disability advocates are not attorneys and we do not practice law.  Disability advocates are specifically trained to develop and present the best possible argument on behalf of a client. Non-attorney advocates have also shown themselves to be faster, more efficient and just as effective at winning disability claims.

The client needs to understand that hiring an attorney will not improve his chances of receiving benefits.  A properly trained disability advocate is less expensive and tends to complete cases in much less time, saving the applicant money.  An attorney is only needed in a disability claim if there are legal issues or case complications that go far beyond just applying for disability benefits.

Two examples of where an attorney would be needed are in fraud or overpayment situations in which Social Security is preparing to reduce or eliminate a claimant’s benefits.

Remember that in the early stages of your business, you must focus on building a clientele that will testify to the effectiveness of your service. Pick your first few clients carefully.  If you succeed in getting them benefits, use these customers as testimonials to the effectiveness of your service.

Be prepared to sign on a customer!  You would not believe the number of students who follow our instructions to the letter, but fail to prepare for success.  These advocates fail because they are not prepared to close a contract with a customer.  They may lack a proper understanding of the required paperwork or are just plain disorganized.  In any case, this lack of preparation can kill a sale by causing the customer to lose the trust created during the initial interview.  Don't make this mistake! 

Using the Audio Recording:

As a trainee of Disability Associates, you have the right to duplicate this high quality tape and use its contents in any marketing approach you desire. The recording is provided in both wav and mp3 format for easy manipulation of the recorded contents. 

The following are suggested ways the CPT tape can be used
to improve the sell of your service.

1)  Use the tape as part of your mailing packet to the customer. Duplication of this tape is inexpensive and can add a dynamic flair to your sales presentation. We intentionally produced a short presentation so that you could reproduce the tape at very low cost.

2)  Use the tape presentation in written form (word for word) if you wish, as part of your written presentation to a potential customer. Remember to point out the many advantages of your service while remaining sensitive to the needs of the client.

3)  Play the tape on your intercom system if you receive customers in an office environment.  Hearing the tape repeatedly can induce customers to say yes to your service even before he/she sits down with you.  This can make selling your service faster and easier.  If this recording is followed by an informative and friendly interview by phone or in-person, the customer will feel more comfortable becoming your client.

4)  Use all or part of the CPT audio presentation in your recorded telephone messages.

5)  Use parts of the presentation as a means of creating your own sales letters, tapes, radio, TV or public service announcements (PSA). The theme of the commercial must be clear and concise.  If you can produce an ad that utilizes some or all of the dynamic points made on the CPT tape, you'll have a highly effective marketing tool that will produce sales well into the future.

6)  A Public Service Announcement (PSA) is a special kind of commercial that is aired for a fraction of what an ordinary commercial would cost.  In order to have your commercial accepted by a radio or TV station as a PSA, there must be no sales talk in the presentation.  Instead, the PSA commercial should inform and educate. You can also provide contact information and a free service via a PSA.  The trick is to offer a free benefit or service.  In this case, the service is the free case assessment.  Use the CPT recording to inform a potential customer about the disability process, and the free assessment to stimulate action on the part of the client.

Editing the CPT:

The CPT presentation is delivered in wav format.  A wav file can be edited within most sound editing programs, such as Sound Edit 16 or Sound Forge.  If you have a sound editing program, you can use it to create any number of custom presentations including radio ads and telephone presentations.  You can also pick the ad units you like and have a recording studio slice them together to create your ad.  Since you already have the majority of the recorded materials you need, using a studio should be fairly inexpensive.

Students taking our basic course can click the link below to access the complete CPT recording.  Use this recording to create your custom presentation.  Executive members will also be provided with wav unit recordings of the CPT presentation.  These wav files are recorded as sentence units, making it easier for you to create a custom presentation using cut and paste.  To access the CPT Pro units, visit the CPT Pro link in the Executive web site.

Allow me to emphasize once again that no matter how you decide to use these recordings, make sure it is heard by your customers. We feel that this presentation can greatly enhance your ability to convince customers of the need for a well trained and experienced advocate to handle their disability claim.

Below, you'll find links to each of the unit recordings that make up the customer presentation.  You can use any combination of these units to create your advertising segment.  By dividing the customer presentation into smaller units, we have made it easier for you to edit and create your own custom presentations.  In our example below, we're going to create a thirty-second radio commercial.

To create a commercial using the CPT units as content:

1.  Listen to the entire CPT presentation first to determine what parts will be used. 

2.  The recorded units are subdivided by sentence.  For example, unit one would represent the first sentence in the CPT presentation.  Unit two would represent the second sentence and so on.  Decide what sentence units you would like to incorporate into your advertising piece. 

3.  Place the CPT sentence units in the order you wish them to play in the recording.  You can reconstruct the final adding the CPT sentences in any order you like. 

4.  Open your sound editing software.  There are many sound editing software programs to choose from.  We recommend Sound Forge or Adobe Sound Edit.  Both are capable of creating clean recordings of the quality required for broadcasting.  If you are not comfortable editing your own recordings, then take the sound files to an editing studio.  The sound editing studio will compile and record your commercial and deliver it to you on desk.  

Accessing a CPT Unit:

1.  Click on the desired CPT unit below.

2.  The file will open in Windows player or whatever sound player you use on your computer.

3.  To play the file, click play inside the player.

4.  To save the file, click on the file button.

5.  Click "Save as" and save the file to the chosen location on your computer.

We recommend that you save your recordings in a common sound format like wav.  This will allow for easy access and future editing of the file content.  You can also record and add other sounds to your commercials.  This includes background music and your company's contact information. 

Copyright © 2012.  Disability Associates, Inc. All Rights