Disability Associates Advocate Business and Training Program

Welcome Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors. This segment will explain how our disability advocate business and training program can be used as an alternative to traditional employment. This advocate training program is offered only to State Voc Rehab clients who meet our basic intellectual and physical qualifications.

What is a Disability Advocate?

A Disability Advocate, also known as a Disability Consultant, Disability Specialist or Non-attorney Representative, is a specially trained individual who assists others who are applying for Social Security disability benefits. This service was created by Congress and the Social Security Administration and can be verified via the Code of Federal Regulations.

State Rehabilitation Office Procedure

Disability Associates has been providing disability advocate training to state vocational rehab offices for nearly a decade. Usually a claimant who is on SSDI will learn about our advocate training program and request financial assistance from their state rehab office. The rehab office will contact us or visit our website to learn more about the program.

Disability Associates is usually contacted by the Rehab Counselor assigned to the client. The Rehab Counselor will request functional qualification data (basic skills needed to succeed) from our office. The Counselor will also verify that we (Disability Associates) are an approved state vendor.

To help the Rehab Counselor to make a functional determination as to the client's ability to perform as a Disability Advocate, we provide the following information:

  • Voc Rehab Introduction Letter
  • Name of assigned advocate
  • Specific client functional qualifications
  • Training program options and pricing

Referring the Right Clients

The above data will help you to determine if a client has what it takes to become an independent disability advocate. If you have additional questions concerning our company or our products, please feel free to contact us at 303-766-1111. To learn more about the field of disability advocacy, visit our website at www.ssahelp.com.